Become a member

Regular member

Any professional association, national group or cultural organization that exclusively represents professional artists, artisans and/or cultural workers in recognized artistic sectors for the purposes of training and professional development is a regular member of the Corporation. These legal entities act as promoters and as such can submit training projects to the MFOR measure.

To be eligible as a regular member, a legal entity must also comply with the following eligibility criteria:
– be a non-profit organization;
– be registered in the Quebec Enterprise Register for at least twelve months;
– have its head office on the territory of the Island of Montreal.

Membership standards
You must complete the membership form and send it to

When applying for membership, a legal entity must demonstrate the relevance of its training offer in relation to that of other regular members of the corporation, in addition to showing that its sustainability is not solely linked to the realization of this training project. It must submit a needs study or an annual training program.
The request is analyzed by the concerned sector representative who gives an opinion of relevance to the board of directors regarding the acceptance of the new promoter.

Rights and privileges of a regular member
Regular members may attend, speak and vote at meetings of members. A member must designate a representative. The representative of a professional association or a national organization must be a member of the executive of his or her organization, while for cultural organizations, the representative may be either a member of the executive or a training coordinator. Regular members are responsible for appointing sectoral representatives.